On Incongruity

In life there are passengers, there are drivers, and there are those who fix the cracks left behind by those assholes....

Saturday, December 17, 2005

admiration and defeat

My cousin Amy was one of the chosen few to ask a question on the Federal Leadership debates in English last night. As the other pea in my pod, I was so thrilled to see her sock it to the big guys…who never did answer her question (of course).

I admired Amy for still having the drive to have a question, and to expect an answer from any of the four politicians. I’m 24, and I already feel so disillusioned that I would never even try to ask one of those slippery men a substantive question.

However “disillusioned” I feel, I guess I’m still naïve enough to wonder why the leaders don’t just answer directly and honestly. Would Stephen Harper really lose any followers by frankly acknowledging his personal intolerance for non-heterosexual rights? Would Paul Martin really threaten his reign by conceding that corruption was endemic in the liberal party over the past years? It seems to me that both are public knowledge, and yet maybe the slick ducking and dodging actually does fool the dumber half of the Canadian population—and apparently they’re the only ones voting.

In the video clip played at the debate I saw Amy fight to restrain her personality. She has such a vivacious demeanor and watched her struggle to suppress the intonation, the sarcasm, and the exaggerated facial expressions that so define who she is. Alas, she had to fit in with the context of the debate--and they don't allow honest personalities in politics.

However skilled they may be, the editors weren’t quick enough to catch the wry smile that escaped Amy at the very end…I am allowed some hope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeahhhh...well to be fair to the politicians, I wasn't really expecting a straight answer anyway. (I am definitely just as disillusioned as you, cuzin). My original question was a lot "sassier", but sadly I was limited to 30 seconds. The camera guy was a bit of an ass, and commented on my "sarcastic tone"...to which I said "tough cookies, Bub." No I didn't - I told him that I wasn't going to tone it down any more than I already had.

I don't know what's going on these days, but politicians haven't always been so dodgy about taking a stand. Although not everyone liked Trudeau, one of his stand-out qualities was his willingness to offend some people, in order to express himself honestly (at times). But it does seem that many politicians in Canada today bend over backward to avoid saying anything "inflammatory"...or in other words, take a stand for anything.

It's disheartening, really...and no surprise that so few people are feeling engaged in Canadian politics these days.

Kudos to Gilles Duceppe for being such a snazzy dresser though (the man wears good suits).

10:40 PM  
Blogger mysta42 said...

You mean I missed Gilles' suit? He always looks like an extremely stressed out weasel so I try to avoid glancing his way very often (I find him kinda disturbing). Hey, what's with all four of them having blue eyes? Not all are as creepy as the Harpster's, but even so, I detect a conspiracy....

5:16 PM  

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