My most despised writer from the Globe & Mail wrote a petty tirade recently (I won't give her the dignity of being named) about the glory of the conservatives' childcare policy. She crowed about the $$ individual parents would receive...$$ that may cover a few weeks of daycare (this guy is far more educated than I am on the real-world effects of such policies).
For the people who desperately need subsidized childcare that amount is insufficient to cover their costs and definitely doesn't provide enough income to allow a parent to stay at home. For the wealthier parents that $$ will likely be thrown in an RESP or will go towards this year's tropical vacation. That's the problem with right-wing policies that treat everyone the same while ignoring the gross systemic inequalities--they mistake the ideal of "equality" with the act of treating everyone equally. Until a little more thought is put into the real-world ramifications of some of these financial policies, it will be just one more reason I will never vote conservative.
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