On Incongruity
In life there are passengers, there are drivers, and there are those who fix the cracks left behind by those assholes....
we won, by the way
I was in court today and the judge was delivering his decision on the fate of my client. The judge was an old, gray man (I loved him because he was really cool with the fact that I was a complete idiot and didn't know what the hell I was doing). In his judgment he reviewed the evidence before him and took great pleasure in reading out the things my client had yelled at his ex-girlfriend. The judge drew out the "fffffffffuck"s as if he was savouring them, and when he said "...you fffffucking cunt..." I almost lost it--I definitely got a big smile on my face. I guess he doesn't get to say that kind of stuff at home so he was just enjoying the feel of "...you ffffucking cunt" roll off his distinguished judgey tongue.
conveniently incongruous
I just watched "An Inconvenient Truth" (good title, by the way) and I kind of just want to "extinct" myself. Why have kids if they're facing such adversity? Al Gore tried to make us all feel better at the end of the movie by suggesting that if we all made small changes in our lives we could reverse the effects of global warming. But I, ever a nihilist, have read otherwise--that we fucked it up so badly already that making changes won't have an effect for decades after most of the damage is done. Not that that should excuse any of us from trying--I know there are always people who look for any excuse not to follow through with their moral obligations.
Last week I had CNN on in the background one morning (I know--shameful, right?) and the newscaster kept interrupting a guest speaker who was talking about global warming. Every time the speaker would say "global warming" she'd jump in and say "Well, that's what you think...many people don't believe in global warming", and "Remember, many people consider it only a theory", and "You're speaking as if it's a fact--many people would disagree". How sick is it that a "news" channel can argue such important facts and imply it's a political stance, rather than a scientific truth? I just can't believe that after the complecency with which the media dealt with all the Bush calamities that they haven't learned their lesson. "The most trusted name in news"? Hell no.
Talking about your dog gets you silently expelled from many conversations...especially those conversations with people who don't give a damn about dogs. Even when you're chatting with a fellow dog-owner you're really just humouring eachother. Allowing the other person to tell anecdotes about "Jake" only long enough so that you can jump in with dog stories about "Roxy". It's a mutual understanding...dog owners know it's a silent agreement that you'll be an audience only if they'll be yours.
My dog Zoe had such a good weekend. Saturday she visited with her boyfriend Dief, and spent 13 hours buzzing around without a break. She repeatedly whipped everyone at a BBQ with her tail, leading one loser to comment "that's why you're supposed to chop those off!" (b/c apparently I'm to mutilate my dog so her tail won't wag when she's happy? Right.) She was so gentle with the kids that were there, even though she hasn't had any experience with children. She emptied Dief's toybox a few times, bringing each toy outside to everyone with a big smile on her face, that pesky wagging tail, and would drop it whenever she wanted to go back and get another.
Since we've had her from the age of 5 months, she's never known abandonment. Her heart is so big and trusting and pure and dependent. How could I ever betray her? How can anyone ever betray such an amazing soul?
Read this.
I am not enjoying my job this summer. I can't imagine being a lawyer one day and having to be at the beck and call of so many losers. Why do people think practicing law is so great? You can make much more money doing other jobs and you can have lowbrows treat you like a slave with far less financial investment...so why do it? It must be that love of the law that I have yet to discover...that passion that burns deep inside when you're flipping through those god damn statutes (I never knew there was so much legislation, by the way....i used to have nightmares about having to fill an entire gymnasium with golf balls, one by one...and the nightmarish overwhelming nature of the golf ball task is similar to the thought of reading every statute that is applicable to someone in B.C.).
And P.S., I think I just want women as clients when I am finally a lawyer (if that ever happens). This whole "reasonable man" standard is crap...the reasonable man makes up, like, 5% of the population and god knows the reasonable man has never been an LSLAP client. Or owned a Rogers Wireless cell phone. Or visited the Wax Museum. (Ok, so I have to stop working in areas that deal with the public before I lose my mind).
i hate spelling mistakes
This postsecret made me laugh. I know the dummy spelled "delicious" wrong, but it's still funny.