On Incongruity

In life there are passengers, there are drivers, and there are those who fix the cracks left behind by those assholes....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I watched Oprah on TV today as I did some cleaning. I know my "cred" has just bottomed out with that little confession, but I never had much credibility to begin with, right? Anyway, it was one of Oprah's "sex offender" shows in which she revealed the sick, twisted men hiding amongst us and offered $100,000 rewards for their capture. What could be wrong with that?

In practice, this reward process looked really f%*#ed up. Two broken young men ("A" and "B") exposed their precious childhood secrets of sexual abuse for all of the world to "ooo" and "awww" at. Another perky young man ("C") of approximately the same age was introduced as the person who identified their abuser as his former co-worker. C was passed a cheque for $100,000 and swelled with pride. A and B were surely grateful that their abuser was captured but their lives were torn apart and C won an easy $100,000. Hmm.

I wouldn't turn down $100,000 but I think I'd feel like a shark accepting it under those circumstances. Making $$$ off of someone else's heartache? Sick. There has to be a better way for Oprah...I'm sure 2 minutes of fame on her show is worth turning in a pedophile for most people. Then she could give that $$ to the people exploited on her show. People who actually deserve it.


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