On Incongruity

In life there are passengers, there are drivers, and there are those who fix the cracks left behind by those assholes....

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I've fallen head over heels for Vancouver. Most people (who don't live here) think it's a beautiful city but they can't understand how people can love Vancouver so intensely that the cost of living is acceptable. If your soul mate cost you a lot of money, would you leave them? No--with a big gulp you'd pass over the cash and enjoy the time you have together. It took at least a year for me to feel that same commitment to this city--I was highly resistant to V's charms at first.

This love is a curse though, because if you ever have to move somewhere else (if life were to require leaving) how do you feel complete again?

Being downtown is good for a hermit such as myself. I grew up in the country and have always felt confined in any city. I hate having to interact with people every minute of every day. I still walk around staring blankly off into space so I don't have to make eye contact with anyone who might require something of me.

And so, despite all that I have said, I have a plan to get out of the city one day--out of downtown and out of the suburbs. Living just on the outside of civilization so that I can always duck back in for an Americano or a shopping trip (to clothe my stylish recluse ass). However, if this love affair continues I'll probably be 60 years old still saying "I have a dream of getting out of the city one day..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's just nothing quite like being able to order in food at any time of the night...have bands to go see...crazy rushhour traffic to gesticulate at...ahhhh the city!

12:54 PM  

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