On Incongruity

In life there are passengers, there are drivers, and there are those who fix the cracks left behind by those assholes....

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

ode to Heather Mallick

I am suffering Heather Mallick withdrawal. Ms. Mallick quit her column at the Globe & Mail at the beginning of December. From what I have been able to glean from other sources it was over an ethical issue regarding this piece.

I most love the way Mallick teases the multi-layered shades of grey out of issues described by the press in black and white. I cheer her on as she haughtily dismisses those who are morally and intellectually beneath her. She can rip politicians, cultural icons, and plain old idiots to shreds with her words, leaving them clumsily scrambling for a childish insult to throw back her way. And how could I not love a woman who inspired Bill O'Reilly to publicly boycott Canada? Thank god he won't be visiting--I could not be bothered to act all polite and "Canadian" to that fool. He can just stay out of our backyard yo.

And finally, I adore the way Ms. Mallick combines her self-described socialist views with a passion for the finest food, literature, and fashion. It's unabashed bourgeoisocialism (a new hybrid word, don't bother looking it up)--my own version of which I embraced long ago. I will keep searching for her newest montages....strong women like Heather aren't silenced for long.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mallick is an excellent voice/role model for women everywhere...she writes with passion as well as reason, and I'm always looking forward to her next "rant".

1:15 PM  

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