On Incongruity

In life there are passengers, there are drivers, and there are those who fix the cracks left behind by those assholes....

Thursday, February 09, 2006

in an instant

On the bus this morning we were held up at an intersection. A driver had turned across the intersection and hit a baby carriage. Apparently, the several-month-old baby flew approx. 5m before hitting the pavement. My bus came along just after this happened, and all I saw was a hysterical mother clutching her child...no police or ambulances had arrived yet. I heard that the baby was wailing his/her little head off, so that's a good sign.

What kind of godforsaken idiot hits a black baby carriage the size of a small SUV on a perfect, clear morning? I know how a moment can decide life or death. Every time I'm reminded of that looming injustice it fills me with rage at the people who don't take their power behind the wheel seriously. ALL IT TAKES IS A SECOND. Your cell phone/cd player/day dream can wait.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would seriously have a heart attack if I came across a scene like that...because beyond the basic heartwrenching response that you must have had, I would have a professional responsibility to help that baby. What is that called - trained bystander responsibility or something? I know that there's a name for it. I'm constantly on alert (and fearful of) a like incident occurring within my proximity. I can't imagine how unsettling that must have been for you.

9:03 PM  

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