On Incongruity

In life there are passengers, there are drivers, and there are those who fix the cracks left behind by those assholes....

Friday, January 20, 2006

no more Chanel pour moi

Oh geez, my cousin comes to visit and I neglect everything else in the world to dote on her. My apologies.

Today when we were out I spontaneously decided to go to a psychic. Not because I am in the middle of a quarter-life crisis or anything....just because it seemed like a good idea. Amy and I were in the entry way of the "psychic den" when we came across my soon-to-be Tarot reader "Chanel". True to her name, Chanel was extremely overrated and way overpriced.

I asked Chanel if my cousin could sit in on my reading, and after telling me no, that Amy would detract from the psychic experience, Chanel said "You're cousins are you?" and then in a deeper, more serious voice (meant to convey a revelation) "People always think that you're sisters." Wooooooo! Where did she get that from? Is it perhaps because we LOOK alike? Because there is a family resemblance?

Foolishly, I chose to continue with no expectations. The whole experience was cheesy and ridiculous but it still seemed like it might offer entertainment by way of a "how did she know that?" moment. Chanel burnt sage in a circle around me, dusted me with a feather, and told me to imagine there was a hole in the top of my head which brings in oxygen and expels noxious energy from my body (which seems suspiciously like the work of my NOSE).

I won't get into the "substance" of the whole 15 minute "reading" because it was absolute nonsense and did not fit in with anything going on in my life. When Chanel asked me at the end if the reading provided me with any answers, I told her that it did not and nothing really she said made sense in the context of my life. She basically smiled at me cluelessly and said "that's nice...$37.50 please....oh, and if any of your friends ever want a reading, you know where to send them!" Good god, you'd think a "psychic" would have better insight into other peoples' frame of mind.

Just in case, if during the last 2 weeks of June I am wondering if I made the correct decision about an internal struggle I'm currently having, will you remind me that I did?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sense...that you are no longer as wealthy as you once were...

I see...a swindling, shawl-wearing woman...

That will be 50 dollars, please. I do birthday parties! Tell your friends!

8:30 AM  

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