On Incongruity

In life there are passengers, there are drivers, and there are those who fix the cracks left behind by those assholes....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

we all have our addictions

Ahh public transit. It's not usually interesting seeing as how most of my fellow riders are university students. In the good ol' days I actually came into contact with the scuzzier side of Vancouver--the imbibers, the ranters, the stoners, and the like. Today my most awkward experience on the bus was when I was the only person standing on the bus...another girl got on at the next stop and came to hold on to the same pole as me. Two people on the whole bus were standing, and they were both holding onto the same pole. I don't particularly like being in odd situations, so I let her lay claim to my pole and found another. See what I mean? Not interesting anymore.

I'm sure all of us who ride the 50 foot limo can agree, the smells are the worst. My worst odour experience was when a girl sat beside me on a packed bus, and whipped out her massive meatball dinner. Ok, the noise of her smacking her lips and chewing with her mouth open was horrendous too, and I could only shut/plug a certain number of orifices. So I was forced to smell her nasty garlicy meatball goulash. That experience aside, I find one of the grossest smells to be stale smoke. UGH. What enrages me most (admittedly, my anger is not entirely justified) is the oblivious look on the faces of those stinkers*. I want to tell them that just because they've destroyed their sense of smell, doesn't mean the nasty smell doesn't exist. You know how small children think that if they close their eyes everything is gone? I think smokers have the same belief about the cigarette smoke that clings to their clothes and hair, polluting my peace of mind.

Wow, I went from innocent bus stories to a full on rant...better go take a sedative. If only I had one. : (

*Smokers out there can call me a bitch and blow a lungful in my face, but you blow smoke in my face anyways, and besides, I'm just going to try to take away more of your so-called rights.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

With AB taking its sweet ol' time in enforcing its new smoking restrictions, it's no wonder that I prefer slugging back a beer or two at home...otherwise I'll go out smelling like heaven but stumble back reeking of an old ashtray...

7:09 AM  

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